Want to learn about Discord Apps? You’ve come to right place!
Read all about how you can use, discover, and add Apps as a Discord user!
If you’re a developer and want to create an app on Discord, check out our Developer Help Center.
What are Apps
A starting course to Apps.
An appetizer, if you will. -
How to Use Apps
What does this button do?!?!
Discovering Apps
It’s a big, wide world of all kinds of apps to discover.
Moderating Apps
Level up your server moderation with these helpful tools.
Premium Apps
Manage your apps with premium functionality easily.
First Party Activities
From the creators who gave you Putt Party, Discord presents: MORE Activities.
Andra sätt att hitta hjälp.
Ditt hem för support med att utveckla bottar, appar & spel genom användning av vår API och SDK!
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